BL-11B Soft X-Ray Double-Crystal Monochromator Station

Spokesperson :Yoshinori KITAJIMA

1. Outline

BL-11B provides soft X rays in the energy range between 1.8 keV and 3.9 keV with a double-crystal monochromator from a bending-magnet source. As there are no Be windows in the optical path, BL-11B is suitable for EXAFS measurements of light elements such as Si, P, S, and Cl. There is another station BL-2A for a similar energy region, which can provide soft X rays with higher resolving power and higher flux density from an undulator source.

Layout of BL-11B
Fig. 1: Optics of BL-11B.

2. Performance

OpticsFocusing Mirror/Double-Crystal Monochromator [Ge(111) or InSb(111)]/(Refocusing Mirror)
Energy Range2020 eV - 3911 eV [Ge(111)] or 1764 eV - 3415 eV [InSb(111)]
Resolving PowerE/dE = ~2000 [Ge(111)] or ~1200 [InSb(111)]
Spot Size~ 7 mm (H) x 2 mm (V)
Photon Fluxmaximum ~1011 photons/s

Spectrum from the Ge(111) Monochromator
Fig. 2: Spectral distribution from Ge(111) monochromator.

Example EXAFS Spectrum
Fig. 3: Example EXAFS spectrum of a Si wafer.

3. Equipments

4. Remarks

5. References

  1. T. Ohta et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods A246, 373(1986).
  2. M. Funabashi et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 60, 1983(1989).
  3. Y. Kitajima, J. Elec. Spec. Relat. Phenom. 80, 405 (1996).

6. Publications

List of publications those registered to PF publication database is available.

Last modified: March 28, 2005.