October 15, 1997

An integrated current of 7.95 A*hrs was gained during 9:01 AM (Oct. 14) and 9:02 AM (Oct. 15). Average beam current was 331 mA.

In the daytime, some works (RF, magnet and monitor) are under way without storing beams. A problem on a low-level RF system was found and fixed. Check on a beam position monitor system and an investigation on an electric shunt for Q-magnets were also carried out.

Vacuum conditioning resumed from 6:00 PM with beam currents of 450-500 mA. Outgassing of SR absorbers in wigglers/undulators beamlines was also carried out in the midnight (by changing the magnet gaps).

Beam current and beam lifetime in the daytime.
Check and maintenance works were carried out.