October 20, 1997
- Vacuum conditioning (outgassing by SR) was carried out
with beam currents of 450-500 mA.
- Betatron tune was adjusted. As the result, beam lifetime
was improved when undulator/wiggler gaps were changed.
- Superconducting vertical wiggler (VW#14) was excited
to 4.8 Tesla in the evening.
- We had an earthquake at 11:13 PM, but there was no damage.
- An integrated current of 10.7 A*hrs was gained from 9:08
AM (Oct. 19) and 9:06 AM (Oct. 20). Average beam current was 447 mA during
this 24-hours.
Beam current and beam lifetime from 9:00 AM
Oct. 20 to 9:00AM Oct. 21.
Vacuum conditioning and machine tuning were carried out.