The training course on symmetry and group theory has been closed. We would like to express our appreciations and respects to the lecturer, Prof. Massimo Nespolo.
Local Organizing Committee |
Mr. James Steele contributed a report on this course to IUCr Newsletter.
Please take a look!
IUCr Newsletter (2024) Volume 32, Number 3 https://www.iucr.org/news/newsletter/volume-32/number-3/12th-training-course-on-symmetry-and-group-theory-a-students-perspective
Aim and Target |
Training course on symmetry and group theory is lectured in Japanese and has reached its 12th edition. This year we offer for the third time an English version of the training course, for the benefit of foreign students and scientists working in Japan.
This course aims at providing a solid background in symmetry and group theory to students and scientists working on crystalline materials.
The course spans five full days. Exercises proposed during the whole course are integral part of the course: participants are requested to actively take part in solving the proposed exercises. Evening sessions are proposed for discussion, practicals, solution to the exercises, questions & answers. Didactic material is distributed before and during the lectures and also made available in electronic form.
Prerequisite: Participants are expected to be familiar with basic matrix algebra (product of matrices, calculation of determinant and trace). |
Schedul and Venue |
Fee |
Participation to the training course is free of charge, but no support for any daily expenses such as a travel fee, accommodation fee and meals, is provided.
*Participants can use the KEK Dormitory during the course, provided they apply in advance through the accommodation form. Single room is available either with bathroom (2,600/3,100 yen per night) or without bathroom (2,100 yen per night) |
Opening of registration, Deadline and Regulations |
Registration will start : 10 a.m, on May 14th, 2024
*We will close as soon as we reach the capacity.
Capacity: approx. 35 people
*The minimum number of participants to held the English course is 6.
->The English course has been decided.(May 21st, 2024)
Lecturer |
Prof. Massimo Nespolo,
Université de Lorraine, France (on behalf of MaThCryst)/The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI)
Local Organizing Committee in Tsukuba |
Prof. Noriyuki Igarashi, KEK
Prof. Takashi Kamiyama, CSNS
Contact |
Ms. Yoshimi Takahashi, KEK (Secretary)
Email: tyoshimi(at)post.kek.jp (please replace (at) with @)
Others |
This course is open to other universities at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI (Course name: Introduction to Symmetry and Space group ).
1) SOKENDAI students
If you wish to take this course and earn credits by taking the course, the training course office will coordinate the additional course registration with the Hayama Headquarters.
*If you have already registered for courses through CampusPlan during the course registration period in April 2024, please write so in the remarks.
Click here for details on Student Travel Expense Subsidies.
2) Graduate students from universities other than SOKENDAI who wish to earn credits for this subject.
Please contact the Educational Affairs Section by 15:00 on May 28th (Tue.).
Upon your request (contact), we will start the procedure.
*Some universities may not be able to earn credits.
Educational Affairs Section (Hayama Headquarters)
E-mail:kyomu(at)ml.soken.ac.jp ←Please replace (at) with @
※This course is partly supported by RIGAKU Fund of CrSJ
(The Crystallographic Society of Japan). |