Photon Factory Activity Report 2001


Highlights and Facilty Report


@ Editorial [download pdf file (632KB)]

INTRODUCTION [download pdf file (74KB)]

HIGHLIGHTS [contents : download pdf file (9KB)]

  1. Atomic and Molecular Science  [download pdf file (1.2MB)]
  2. Chemistry  [download pdf file (1.7MB)]
  3. Surfaces and Interfaces  [download pdf file (1.0MB)]
  4. Electronic Structure of Condenced Matter  [download pdf file (1.0MB)]
  5. Materials Science  [download pdf file (1.0MB)]
  6. Crystallography  [download pdf file (940KB)]
  7. Biological Science I  [download pdf file (1.0MB)]
  8. Biological Science II  [download pdf file (1.5MB)]
  9. Imaging  [download pdf file (2.3MB)]
  10. Instrumentation and Technique  [download pdf file (901KB)]
  11. Theory  [download pdf file (812KB)]

EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES [download pdf file (1.4MB)]

  1. Summary of Experimental Stations
  2. Reconstruction and Upgrading of Beamlines
  3. New Experimental Facilities and Apparatus
  4. Activities of the Structural Biology Group, Present and Future

ACCELERATORS [download pdf file (2.0MB)]

  1. Machine Operation
  2. PF-AR Upgrading Project
  3. Research and Development at the PF Storage Ring
  4. Specifications of the Accelerators

PROGRAMS [download pdf file (703KB)]

  1. Experimental Programs
  2. Educational Programs
  3. International Collaboration
APPENDICES  [download pdf file (1.6MB)]
  1. Site and Organization
  2. List of Workshops and Seminars
  3. List of Publications