
PF Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Beamline
Welcome to PF SAXS beamlines

High Energy Accelerator
Research Organization(KEK)

1-1 Oho,Tsukuba,Ibaraki,305-0801,Japan

Photos of various setterings at BL-6A, 10C and 15A2.


Three SAXS beamlines, BL-6A, BL-10C, and BL-15A2, are in operation at the photon factory. BL-6A and BL-10C use bending magnets, and BL-15A2 uses a short-period undulator as a light source. The SAXS beamlines are utilized for not only structural analysis but also structure-property correlation studies in a wide range of sample fields from soft materials to hard materials including biological macromolecules.

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