
PF Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Beamline
Welcome to PF SAXS beamlines

High Energy Accelerator
Research Organization(KEK)

1-1 Oho,Tsukuba,Ibaraki,305-0801,Japan


Those who want to know how to register

Please write guide in the "text" and send it to jpsaxs-ctl@pfweis.kek.jp.

Those who want to register

subscribe Your-First-Name Your-Last-Name
Please write (e / g / subscribe Sakura Kinomoto) in the "text" and send it to jpsaxs-ctl@pfweis.kek.jp.
After a while, you will receive a confirmation email. According to that, for example,
Please write "text" and send it to jpsaxs-ctl@pfweis.kek.jp. This completes registration.
★A confirmation email will be sent to From, so please be careful if the actual address is different from From.
I think it's usually okay.

Those who want to cancel registration

To the same e-mail address as when you subscribed, just write "unsubscribe" in the "body" and send it.
Then, the following email will be sent, so please resend it according to the contents.

unsubscribe-comfirm########################f2ima fjtoto.kek.jp
Please reply this mail to confirm your unsubscribe request

Those who want to know more about how to use this mailing list

If you send help to jpsaxs-ctl@pfweis.kek.jp by writing help in the "body", you will receive an email with instructions on how to use the mailing list, such as a list of available commands. The method of unsubscribe is also described in this.