Deadline: 5:00pm(Japan time), 31 July, 2006
the deadline for abstract submission was
extended until 22 July, 2006.
Preparation of Abstract
Transmit the abstract body on on-line system by Rich Text Format.
*If you input over 1800 characters including
spaces, on-line system can not accept it.
If you include a figure, this limit is reduced
to 1260 characters.
You can transmit only one figure which must
be in the JPEG or GIF format, and the size
has to be up to 945 pixels(H) × 472 pixels(V).
Also, If you use some letters in the figure,
the font size should be larger than 9-point.
Please re-enter your file name if you wish
to modify your file which has been registered.
If you have any question of abstract submission,
please contact the secretariat. |