Travel Support for Young Scientists |
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
assists young scientists to attend AsCA'06/CrSJ
Tsukuba. Those who are graduate students,
post-graduate students or post-doctoral fellows
with a maximum age of 35 (as of May 31, 2006)
can apply for this support on condition that
you have submitted an abstract. You are also
highly encouraged to attend the satellite
meeting in Tsukuba.
<How to apply>
Send an email to AsCA/CrSJ Secretariat with the following information not exceeded
than August 15, 2006.
1) Name (Family, First, Middle):
2) Affiliation:
3) Position:
4) Email Address:
5) Abstract No.
6) Registration No.
7) Birth Date
8) You are going to participate Satellite
Meeting. Yes, No
In case of Yes, the Satellite Meeting Name
( )
Please note that this financial support is
limited and cannot cover your
whole travel fee.
Successful candidates will be informed by
August 31, 2006 from the Chair of
the Organization Committee.