PF Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Beamline

〒305-0801 茨城県つくば市大穂1-1

SAngler - A software for SAXS image data processing

SAngler is a basic software for the analysis of small - angle X ray scattering data.
Detector(available):PILATUS/PILATUS3(tif and cbf) & EIGER/EIGER2(h5) (Dectris), R-AXIS IV, IV++, VII(Rigaku)

Main function

  1. Mask file making
  2. Calibration of the beam center and the camera distance using a powder pattern (eg.Ag behenate)
  3. tif, cbf, and h5(hdf5) format of PILATUS/PILATUS3/EIGER/EIGER2 (DECTRIS) and Rigaku format are available. Circular average (2D-> 1D)
  4. Data subtraction (Sample - Background)
  5. Analysis (Log plot, Guiner plot, Kratky plot)
  6. Absolute intensity calibration with water and glassy carbon (SRM3600(NIST)).

Operation condition

Windows 10, 11 (64 bit only)


N. Shimizu, K. Yatabe, Y, Nagatani, S. Saijyo, T. Kosuge and N. Igarashi.
Software Development for Analysis of Small-angle X-ray Scattering Data.
AIP Conf. Proc. 1741, 050017 (2016). doi: 10.1063/1.4952937


  • Verβ release. (2025/3/18)
  1. Compatible with H5(HDF5) files output by DECTRIS EIGER and EIGER2 detectors.
  2. This version is a beta version, and when processing PILATUS data, it is possible that the older version (2.1.71) will be able to process it more stably.
  3. The size of the Main GUI has been changed. It should display comfortably at a resolution of Full HD (1920 x 1080) or higher.
  4. Fixed several minor bugs.
  5. Japanese manual added for Verβ.
  • Ver 2.1.71 release. (2024/2/9)
  1. Improved file loading method and update interval during Autorun to accelerate the rendering speed of PointPickViewer.
  2. Enhanced input validation in the Autorun settings form on the Average tab.
  3. Modified the Autorun settings form on the Average tab to inherit the counter file number set in Average.
  4. Added the [Clear] button for the file list in PointPickViewer.
  5. Enhanced the 3D plot rendering function of PointPickViewer.
  6. Fixed several minor bugs.
  7. Japanese and English manuals updated for Ver 2.1.71.
  • English manual updated for Ver 2.1.69. (2023/11/15)
  • Ver 2.1.69 release. (2023/10/23)
  1. Default file names have been set for files output from the Point Pick viewer.
  • Ver 2.1.68 release. (2023/9/7)
  1. The definition formula for determining the normal or abnormal pixel values in the Uniformity correction function of image data in the Mask tab has been modified. It now allows for detection without being influenced by the data's Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N). The same function in the CirAve tab has also been similarly adjusted.
  2. Fixed several minor bugs.
  • Ver 2.1.67 release. (2023/7/10)
  1. Fixed several minor bugs, including one related to transmittance calculations.
  • Ver 2.1.66 release. (2023/6/13)
  1. Fixed an issue in the Analysis Tool's Normalized Kratky plot where the results of Guinier analysis were not correctly reflected in the plot or table when data was added after the plot had already been generated.
  2. Updated the Point Pick Viewer to allow loading data in formats other than SAngler (assuming the scattering intensity data is in the second column). The supported delimiter characters are TAB, comma, and space.
  3. Modified the display of 2D image data loaded in the Mask and Calibration tabs to adjust the displaying area based on the detector model specified in the Detector tab.
  4. Japanese manual updated.
  • Ver 2.1.65 release. (2022/11/21)
  1. The display of the Nomalized Kratky Plot has been modified.
  2. Several minor bugs have been fixed.
  3. Japanese manual updated.
  • Ver 2.1.64 release. (2022/9/2)
  1. Fixed a bug related to the "Pixel pitch" in the Ave tab. This bug had been appeared when the "Tilt angle" of the detector was set to a value other than zero in the Cal tab and besides the "Pixel pitch" was set to a value other than the default of "1/1" in the Ave tab.
  • Ver 2.1.63 release. (2022/7/22)
  1. facility.xml was updated to modify the counter information of supported beamlines. Support for BL45XU, which is no longer used by SAXS experiment, has been terminated. If you want to process the data of the former BL45XU, please duplicate the current BL38B1 configuration in "config custom" and modify "BS" to "MIC down".
  2. Japanese manual updated.
  • Ver 2.1.62 release. (2022/4/15)
  1. The residual between experimental and approximate values in Guinier analysis and absolute intensity calibration using water was changed from the difference in intensity (ΔIntentisy) to the difference in intensity divided by the error (ΔIntensity/sigma).
  2. The mask drawing tool has been updated to make it easier to recognize the drawing area.
  3. A new function to create a correlation map, "Cormap Maker", has been added to Tools in the SAngler main menu.
  4. The output format of negative values due to conversion to logarithms has been changed in AnalysisTool. These values were output as 0 previously, but they are output as "NAN" from this version.
  5. The output specification of "dat" files for Guinier analysis has been modified. Data for approximate lines are now output in a second data block.
  6. Fixed a few minor bugs.
  7. Japanese manual updated.
  • Ver 2.1.58 release. (2021/11/2)
  1. Improved GUI of PointPickViewer.
  2. Japanese manual updated.
  • Ver 2.1.57 release. (2021/08/10)
  1. Fixed a few minor bugs related to Point Pick Viewer that caused by the Ver 2.1.56 update.
  • Ver 2.1.56 release. (2021/06/19)
  1. Improved PointPickViewer to allow selection of the data display range.
  2. Fixed several minor bugs.
  3. Japanese manual updated.
  • Ver 2.1.55 release. (2021/05/12)
  1. At the first boot after installation, the number of parallel threads is automatically set to 1/2 the number of total logical processors in the PC.
  2. Changed the default Sector Number for calibration to 360.
  3. The image data displayed in Mask Drawing can be scaled down to a minimum of 10% in order to support the small screens of laptop computers.
  4. Adjusted the counter values to be displayed to the decimal point in the GUI (up to 9 digits).
  5. The Double type is used in all calculation processes, but in the output file (dat), the Ch value of the counter was partially omitted. The CH values recorded in the dat file were changed to be output in Double type from this version.
  6. Fixed several minor bugs.
  • Ver 2.1.48 release. (2021/03/03)
  1. Fixed a minor bug related to connecting to ATSAS.
  • Ver 2.1.47 release. (2021/02/09)
  1. The menu of AnalysisTool in SAngler's Config Settings is moved to those of AnalysisTool.
  2. Several minor bugs were fixed.
  3. Japanese manual is updated.
  • Ver 2.1.45 release. (2020/11/06)
  1. The module name, "SAnglerAnalysis" is changed to "AnalysisTool".
  2. The value of "Mutch" at Calibration process is recorded in the header region of cal file.
  3. Several minor bugs were fixed.
  4. Japanese manual is updated.
  • Ver 2.1.39 release. (2020/06/15)
  1. The issue involved in the function of automatic background subtraction were fixed.
  2. Several small bugs were fixed.
  3. New Japanese manual is release.
  • Ver 2.1.34 release. (2020/03/23)
  1. (Emergency) Bug fix on the file header output involved in the counter values.
  2. Ver 2.1.33 and 2.1.28 was deleted from the server because of the bug.
  • Ver 2.1.33 release. (2020/02/18)
  1. Several bugs involved in loading a counter file were fixed.
  • Ver 2.1.28 release. (2019/11/06)
  1. High-speed parallel processing with multi-threaded system became avilable in the circular average.
  2. The parameter "MaxParallelism" was added to "ConfigSetting" menu and system.xml, and users can manually set the number of threads on them. Basically SAngler will set its number automatically.
  3. The order of process of "Individual" and "Average" at the circular average was changed for the parallel proccessing.
  4. SAngler supported to the installation conditions of ATSAS 3.0.
  5. SAngler only supports 64 bit OS from this version.
  6. Several bugs were fixed.
  • Ver 2.1.26 release (Only for 32 bit OS).
  1. High-speed parallel processing with multi-threaded system became avilable in the circular average.
  2. The parameter "MaxParallelism" was added to "ConfigSetting" menu and system.xml, and users can manually set the number of threads on them. Basically SAngler will set its number automatically.
  3. The order of process of "Individual" and "Average" at the circular average was changed for the parallel proccessing.
  4. This version is the last version that supports 32 bit OS.
  5. Several bugs were fixed.
  • Ver 2.1.25 release. (2019/08/23)
  1. Analysis Tab was omitted from Tab lists. Analysis window (SAnglerAnalysis.exe) can be multiply booted from File menu, Analysis - SAnglerAnalysis.
  2. In order to exclude abnormal pixel data at the time of azmuthal average, a function ("uniformity") of creating histogram data of scattering intensities for each value of the X-axis is added in Mask tab. Users can update the mask file to exclude illegal pixels from the calculation based on the set threshold.
  3. Several bugs were fixed.
  • Ver 2.1.19 release. (2019/06/05)
  1. The (dimensionless) normalized Kratky Plot (Rg based) was supported at the Analysis tab.
  2. New function for making a mask file was added to Mask tab. Users can evaluate the uniformity of two-dimensional image data at the time of circular(azimuthal) average and omit the abnormal pixels from the process by using the data of scattering intensity from such as air/Glassy Carbon.
  3. The bug related to the file loading from Browse button at Sub3 tab was corrected.
  • Ver 2.1.13 release. (2019/04/25)
  1. The bug related to the dat file average at Sub1 was corrected.
  • Ver 2.1.10 release. (2019/02/12)
  1. The bug related to the information of dark counts at Sub2 was corrected.
  • Ver 2.1.9 release. (2019/01/24)
  1. Several bugs were fixed.
  • Ver 2.1.3 release. (2018/10/03)
  1. The specification of the file (calibrant.xml) used for the calibration has been changed. Accordingly, the method to input the calibration data has also changed.
  2. Several bugs were fixed.
  • Ver 2.1.0 release. (2018/08/03)
  1. Autorun function in Ave tab was modified to peform the circular average based on Sub 1 or Sub 3. X-ray transmittance by the sample is also output.
  2. Change of specification of output file (dat). The counter value of the integral intensity of X-ray is also output in the header of dat file.
  3. Several bugs were fixed.
  • Ver 2.0.7 release. (2017/12/04)
  1. Autorun function in average tab was improved for SEC-SAXS experiment. "Point pick viewer" including automatic background subtraction was newly installed in Tools menu.
  2. Subtraction_3 tab was newly installed to perform the subtraction of multiple files based on transmittances.
  • Ver 2.0.3 release. (2017/07/27)
  1. The blue screen of death was caused on Windows 10 Creators Update or later when placing a mouse cursor on several dll files of SAnlger. This issue might have occurred in PC dependence, but this was fixed by this version.
  2. Bug of averaging of "dat" files was fixed.
  • Ver 2.0.1 release. (2017/06/23)
  1. SAngler was compatible with Windows 10 Creators Update.
  2. Revision of the equation at the top right of Subtraction_2 tab.
  3. The data except Q [Å-1], for example Q [nm-1] are available at ABS_GC tab.
  4. The conversion factor for absolute intensity scale at ABS_W and ABS_GC tabs can save to the file.
  5. File header of dat file was modified.:# was added to all the blank line in the header. The number of data was recorded in the last line of the header.
  • Ver 2.0.0 release. (2017/04/19)
  1. Improvement of the calibration process using a powder pattern. This process ceased to use Gnuplot.
  2. Improvement of the circular average process. Function of a dark level subtraction was newly added.
  3. Improvement of the background subtraction process. Subtraction_2 tab was newly installed to perform the subtraction based on transmittances.
  4. ABS_W and ABS_GC tabs were newly installed to perform the absolute intensity conversion with water and glassy carbon.
  5. Some bugs about the drawing were fixed.
  • Ver 1.1.23 release. (2016/03/22)
  1. "ABS" tab was newly added to estimate a factor for converting a scattering intensity (counts)
    into an absolute scattering intensity (cm-1) by using the intensity of water.
  2. Users can calculate an average value of the integrated intensity of an incident beam
    for the dark level estimation.
  3. When averaging, the unit of 2 theta was changed from radian to degree.
  4. 32bit version for Windows 7 was available, and Windows 10 was supported.
  • Ver 1.1.13 release. (2015/11/12)
  1. Cbf format was available.
  2. The calibration file (.cal file) made in an old version could be used from this version.
  3. "Detector" tab was newly added to set the detector settings.
  4. Some bugs were revised.
  • Ver 1.1.6 release. (2015/10/16)
  1. The specification of the calibration file (.cal file) was modified.
  2. The function of "mask drawing" was added.
  3. Gnuplot version was updated to 5.0.1.
  • This page and SAngler ver 1.0.0 were released. (2015/07/01)


All users must download a full version.
If you use ver 2.1.28 and 2.1.33, 2.1.61 stop using immediately and please download the latest version.

  • The stable latest version: 2.1.71 (Windows, 64 bit only, for PILATUS/PILATUS3)
Full version only : SAngler 2.1.71 full (64 bit only) (346MB)
*This software is opend to all users without charge.
*If you need 32 bit comatible version, please download ver 2.1.26.

  • β version:β (Windows, 64 bit only, for PILATUS/PILATUS3, EIGER/EIGER2)
Full version only : SAnglerβ full (64 bit only) (277MB)
*This software is opend to all users without charge.

  • Old version
SAngler 100.zip (64 bit)
SAngler 116 full.zip (64 bit)
SAngler 116 upd.zip (64 bit)
SAngler 1113 full.zip (64 bit)
SAngler 1113 upd.zip (64 bit)
SAngler 1123 full.zip (64 bit)
SAngler 1123 upd.zip (64 bit)
SAngler 1123 full.zip (32 bit)
SAngler 2.0.3 full.zip (64/32 bit)
SAngler 2.0.7 full 64/32bit
SAngler 2.1.0 full 64/32bit
SAngler 2.1.3 full 64/32bit
SAngler 2.1.9 full 64/32bit
SAngler 2.1.10 full 64/32bit (85.7MB)
SAngler 2.1.13 full 64/32bit (85.8MB)
SAngler 2.1.19 full 64/32bit (83.9MB)
SAngler 2.1.25 full 64/32bit (84.2MB)
SAngler 2.1.26 full 32bit (84.2MB)
SAngler 2.1.34 full (64 bit only) (84.1MB)
SAngler 2.1.39 full (64 bit only) (84.1MB)
SAngler 2.1.45 full (64 bit only) (84.2MB)
SAngler 2.1.47 full (64 bit only) (84.2MB)
SAngler 2.1.48 full (64 bit only) (84.2MB)
SAngler 2.1.55 full (64 bit only) (84.2MB)
SAngler 2.1.56 full (64 bit only) (85.1MB)
SAngler 2.1.57 full (64 bit only) (84.2MB)
SAngler 2.1.58 full (64 bit only) (133MB)
SAngler 2.1.62 full (64 bit only) (259MB)
SAngler 2.1.63 full (64 bit only) (259MB)
SAngler 2.1.64 full (64 bit only) (259MB)
SAngler 2.1.65 full (64 bit only) (259MB)
SAngler 2.1.66 full (64 bit only) (259MB)
SAngler 2.1.67 full (64 bit only) (259MB)
SAngler 2.1.68 full (64 bit only) (259MB)
SAngler 2.1.69 full (64 bit only) (259MB)


Japanese manual for version 2.1.71 (PDF)
English manual for version 2.1.71 (PDF)
Japanese manual for versionβ (PDF)


Nobutaka SHIMIZU