1. Atomic and Molecular Science |
1-1. |
Emergence and Change of the Entanglement in the Pair of H(2p) Atoms Produced in the Photodissociation of an H2 Molecule [pdf file (177KB)] |
1-2. |
Probing the Mechanism of Simultaneous Two-Electron Emission from Atoms [pdf file (75KB)] |
1-3. |
3-D Mapping of Photoemission from a Single Oriented H2O Molecule [pdf file (212KB)] |
2. Materials Science |
2-1. |
Observation of Field Induced Magnetic Octupole in CeB6 [pdf file (181KB)] |
2-2. |
Near-surface Structure Analysis of Organic Semiconductor Rubrene Single Crystal [pdf file (168KB)] |
2-3. |
Growth-orientation Dependent Charge- and Orbital-ordering in Epitaxially-grown Thin Films of Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 [pdf file (954KB)] |
2-4. |
Elucidation of the Molecular Structures of Novel Metallofullerene Derivatives [pdf file (119KB)] |
2-5. |
Dimensional-crossover-driven Metal-insulator Transition in SrVO3 Ultrathin Films Studied by in situ Photoemission Spectroscopy
[pdf file (589KB)] |
2-6. |
Metallization of ZnO(1010) Surface Induced by Adsorption of Hydrogen, Methanol and Water [pdf file (751KB)] |
2-7. |
A Soft X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism Study of Co2MnGe/MgO Interfaces [pdf file (234KB)]
3. Chemical and Environmental Science |
3-1. |
Self-Assembly Behavior in Artificial 36-and72- Component Systems [pdf file (263KB)] |
3-2. |
Correlation between Catalytic Activity and Electronic Structure of PVP Stabilized Au Clusters Probed by XAFS [pdf file (205KB)] |
3-3. |
Detection of S(IV) Species in Aerosol Particles Using XANES Spectroscopy [pdf file (206KB)] |
3-4. |
Spontaneous Blebbing of Oil Droplet Caused by Generation/Annihilation of the Lamellar Structure [pdf file (308KB)] |
3-5. |
In situ and Time-resolved Observation of Red Ox Reactions of Pd/Sr-Fe-O Catalystsfor Automotive Emissions [pdf file (100KB)] |
3-6. |
Micro-XAFS Analysis of Micro Histological Specimen and Its Application for Pathological Diagnosis [pdf file (261KB)] |
3-7. |
Ultrafast Photo-Switching of Molecular Magnet Revealed by 100-picosecond Time Resolved XAFS [pdf file (231KB)] |
4.. Earth Science |
4-1. |
High-Pressure Transformation of SiO2 Glass [pdf file (93KB)] |
4-2. |
Discovery of New High-Pressure Phase of MgCO3 [pdf file (111KB)] |
4-3. |
High-Pressure Study of Iron Sulfide [pdf file (57KB)] |
5.. Life Science |
5-1. |
Machinery for Activating the Drought-Tolerance Response in Plants [pdf file (166KB)] |
5-2. |
Structure of Protochlorophyllide Reductase Reveals a Mechanism for Greening of Plants in the Dark [pdf file (195KB)] |
5-3. |
Structural Basis for FTO Substrate Selection [pdf file (177KB)] |
5-4. |
Structural Basis for the Inactivation of Stress Sensor Keap1 by Selective Autophagy Substrate p62
[pdf file (225KB)] |
5-5. |
X-Ray Analysis of a New Potent Anti-HIV Drug Actinohivin Overcoming Multi-Drug Resistance [pdf file (283KB)] |
5-6. |
Structural Basis for Site-Specific Nucleosome Disassembly by Histone Chaperone CIA/ASF1 Complexed with a Double Bromodomain
[pdf file (193KB)] |
5-7. |
Molecular Mechanism of the Interaction of CERT Protein with Lipid Membrane [pdf file (265KB)] |
5-8. |
Combined High-Resolution Neutron and X-Ray Analysis of Inhibited Elastase Confirms the Active-Site Oxyanion Hole but Rules Out a Low-Barrier Hydrogen Bond [pdf file (236KB)] |
5-9. |
Microbeam Studies of Radiation-Induced Bystander Cell Killing Using Synchrotron Radiation [pdf file (224KB)] |
6. Imaging |
6-1. |
Quantitative Comparison of Imaging Performance of X-Ray
Interferometric Imaging and Diffraction Enhanced Imaging
[pdf file (95KB)] |
7. Accelerators |
7-1. |
First Direct Observation of the Dust-Trapping Phenomenon [pdf file (208KB)] |
7-2. |
Development of a 500-kV Electron Gun for ERL [pdf file (513KB)] |