1. Atomic and Molecular Science |
1-1. |
Evidence of Single-Photon Two-Site Core Double Ionization of C2H2 Molecules [pdf file (1.1MB)] |
2. Materials Science |
2-1. |
Inkjet Printing of Single-Crystal Organic Semiconductors [pdf file (99KB)] |
2-2. |
Confinement of Strongly Correlated Electrons in Oxide Artificial Structure [pdf file (847KB)] |
2-3. |
Chemically Homogeneous and Thermally Reversible Oxidation of Epitaxial Graphene: A Step Towards Better Performance Graphene-Based Electronics [pdf file (713KB)] |
2-4. |
Origin of the Large Electric Polarization in Multiferroic Orthorhombic YMnO3 Thin Films Revealed by Soft and Hard X-Ray Diffraction [pdf file (148KB)] |
2-5. |
Key to the Metallic Conduction Found in an Insulator-Insulator Interface
[pdf file (259KB)] |
2-6. |
Magnetic-Field Control of Ferroelastic Domains in FeCr2O4 [pdf file (238KB)] |
2-7. |
Unconventional Mass Acquisition of Surface Dirac Fermions in a Topological Insulator
[pdf file (960KB)]
2-8. |
Structural Study of the Unique Ferromagnetic Metal-Insulator Transition in Hollandite K2Cr8O16 [pdf file (278KB)]
2-9. |
Study of Structural Phase Transition of Pt-Induced Nanowire on Ge(001) Surface using Reflection High-Energy Positron Diffraction [pdf file (702KB)]
3. Chemical and Environmental Science |
3-1. |
Quantum Effect and Anharmonicity in an Invar Alloy Studeid by EXAFS Spectroscopy [pdf file (57KB)] |
3-2. |
Combined in Situ QXAFS and FTIR Observation of a Ni Phosphide Catalyst - Determination of Active Species for a Hydrodesulfurization Reaction - [pdf file (808KB)] |
3-3. |
Structural Basis for the Single Active Site to Catalyze Two Distinct Reactions in a Primitive Enzyme FBPA/P
[pdf file (1.53MB)] |
3-4. |
Observation of Structural Change upon Photoinduced Electron Transfer of 9-Mesityl-10-methylacridinium Ion by Pump-Probe X-Ray Crystal Structure Analysis [pdf file (957KB)] |
4.. Earth and Planetary Science |
4-1. |
Synchrotron-Radiation X-Ray Analysis of HayabusaReturned Asteroidal Samples [pdf file (785KB)] |
4-2. |
Observation of the Structure of Adsorbed Water on a Mica Surface to Understand the Mechanism of Creeping Faults [pdf file (332KB)] |
5.. Life Science |
5-1. |
Discovery of Flowering Hormone (Florigen) Receptor and its Crystal Structure [pdf file (191KB)] |
5-2. |
Crystal Structure of Channelrhodopsin, a Light-Gated Cation Channel: All Cations Lead through the Monomer [pdf file (147KB)] |
5-3. |
Structural Analysis of the Mammalian Cell Polarity Protein Complex mInsc and LGN [pdf file (270KB)] |
5-4. |
Structural Basis of Measles Virus Entry and Effective Measles Vaccine
[pdf file (861KB)] |
5-5. |
Structural Basis of Arf6-MKLP1 Complex Formation on the Flemming Body Responsible for Cytokinesis [pdf file (233KB)] |
5-6. |
Crystal Structure of the Rotor from V-ATPase Molecular Motor
[pdf file (756KB)] |
6. Imaging and Optics |
6-1. |
Refraction-Contrast Tomosynthesis for a Breast Specimen
[pdf file (1.3MB)] |
7. Instrumentation and Methodology |
7-1. |
Homogeneity Characterization of Lattice Spacing of Silicon Single Crystals by a Self-Referenced Lattice Comparator at BL-3C [pdf file (1.2MB)] |
7-2. |
Production of an Energy-Tunable Positronium Beam [pdf file (680KB)] |
8. Accelerator‚“ |
8-1. |
Evaluation of Emittance Characteristics of Negative Electron Affinity GaAs-Based Photocathode [pdf file (680KB)] |