Photon Factory Activity Report 2004


Highlights and Facilty Report


Cover [pdf file (239KB)]
Member Photo [pdf file (279KB)]
Editorial [pdf file (7KB)]
Contents [pdf file (7KB)]

INTRODUCTION [pdf file (103KB)]

HIGHLIGHTS [contents:pdf file (339KB)]

  1. Atomic and Molecular Science [pdf file (432KB)]
  2. Chemistry [pdf file (1.5MB)]
  3. Surfaces and Interfaces [pdf file (1.9MB)]
  4. Electronic Structure of Condenced Matter [pdf file (1.1MB)]
  5. Materials Science [pdf file (1.5MB)]
  6. Crystallography [pdf file (429KB)]
  7. High Pressure Science [pdf file (277KB)]
  8. Biological Science [pdf file (10MB)]
  9. Medical Application [pdf file (2MB)]
  10. Applied Science [pdf file (576KB)]
  11. Instrumentation and Technique [pdf file (348KB)]
  12. Theory[pdf file 144KB)]

EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES [contents:pdf file (237KB)]

  1. Newly Developed Experimental Facilities [pdf file (494KB)]
  2. Structural Biology Research Center [pdf file (718KB)]
  3. Slow Positron Facility [pdf file (104KB)]
  4. The "Collaboratory" System at the Photon Factory [pdf file (131KB)]
  5. ERATO Non-Equilibrium Dynamics Project [pdf file (190KB)]
  6. Structural Biology SAKABE Project [pdf file (396KB)]
  7. Summary of Experimental Stations [pdf file (156KB)]

ACCELERATORS [contents:pdf file 170KB)]

  1. Outline of the Accelerators [pdf file (237KB)]
  2. PF Ring [pdf file (3.0MB)]
  3. PF-AR [pdf file (897KB)]

OTHERS [contents: pdf file (111KB)]

  1. Experimental Proposals [pdf file (21KB)]
  2. Public Events [pdf file (213KB)]
  3. Workshops and Seminars [pdf file 88KB)]
  4. Graduate School Education [pdf file (16KB)]
  5. International Collaboration [pdf file (88KB)]
APPENDICES [cover:pdf file (143KB)]

  1. Site and Organization [pdf file (392KB)]
  2. Awards [pdf file 8KB)]

Photon Factory Activity Report 2004
Copyright © 2005 by High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)